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The Return to Patio Season in Chicago


With warmer days ahead, people are eager to return to dining out. The city of Chicago is implementing guidelines to ensure customers can safely settle into summer and enjoy Chicago’s many restaurant patios.

We’ve outlined some of the steps that restaurants are taking to accommodate guests as they return to patio dining.


Face Coverings

Restaurant staff are required to wear face coverings, and guests must wear face coverings when they are not seated at their tables.



Seating is spaced six feet apart, with no more than six people at a table. To accommodate guests and ensure safety, restaurants are taking reservations in advance to eliminate walk-ins and customer congestion.



Restaurants are also expanding their cleaning routines by performing deep cleaning regularly, providing hand sanitizer to customers, and monitoring for employees that display symptoms.


Shared Items

Restaurants are working to reduce shared items like menus, condiments, and utensils. Additionally, it’s recommended that larger groups of guests avoid sharing food to minimize the spread of germs.


Closed Streets

The city of Chicago has also closed certain streets to give restaurants the opportunity to safely increase tables and seating.


With these measures in place, customers can have some sense of security while enjoying patio season throughout Chicago!

Stay Safe &  Enjoy,

Beal Properties

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